Thursday 24 August 2017

Being Mum

I love to read, although I most definitely do not have time to read as I used to! Once upon a time I would stay up to the early hours of the morning to finish a book. Nowadays, I find myself re-reading the first few chapters as I am unable to remember what I have previously read - either because I have left it too long to pick up the book again or I fall asleep as I read! 

However, I read what I can and because there is not so much time to read, I try to read what is helpful and useful. Sometimes I find that I am not really reading the words in front of me as my mind has wondered off to another place or is distracted by something else that I feel I need to do. There are times, though, when the words I read almost jump off the page as they have really hit home. These words stay with me all day and are words that I really hope to hold on to. 

Today was one of those times. I was reading an email from Proverbs 31 Ministries which had the title, 'When You Feel Like a Bad Mum'. I took a lot of encouragement from what was written, yet what really stood out was that I am meant to be mum to my 3 children. Within me there is the ability to raise my children. Within me there is everything I need to be mum in the way that my children need me to be their mum. 

Being mum is the biggest responsibility that I will ever be given. I mess up, I say and do the wrong thing, the choices that I make are not always great and patience and kindness are not always part of my parenting.  Yet when I read those words this morning, I felt so encouraged as I am able to find within me, all that I need to take on my role of being mum with boldness and a new determination. 

Often, being mum can be a huge challenge and I feel as if I have run out of words, skills, and strategies. However, if I am able to pause and remind myself that 'I can do this and I have all that I need to do this'; if I am able to take courage knowing that I was purposed to be mum to my 3, then challenges and difficulties can be met, head on, with positivity. 

With every sun comes a new day and the choice to speak this encouragement over who I am as a mum. I can choose to stand strong in the knowledge that I am where I should be, I have been created in just the right way to raise my lovely children in the ways that they need. 

As I write these words, I feel a bit big headed! However I am just saying that, who I am and all that I will be, simply goes together, rather wonderfully, with all my children are and all that they will be. 

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